Saturday, 2 June 2012

On any Sunday

Cross the road to get the money.

Stroll down Darling Street to Artback Cafe

adjacent to Red Dog Bakery.

Buy a still warm Pomona Fruit Bread

and return to the red dog.
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  1. Rosie, you are indeed a lucky red dog to have a winter's day that looks like our early autumn and a friend to buy you fresh fruit bread.

    Poor Banjo had to woof to wake us up this morning, so he could greet us, wet through and chilled to the marrow though he was. He often muses on how an old blue heeler like himself could while away many a quiet hour sharing tales with a lovely red heeler girl like yourself.

  2. What a lovely sunday morning ritual. I would definitely go a fresh fruit pamona (not really sure what it is, but sounds fancy) this morning after waking up to the light at 5:30am stiff and exhausted from all the packing I've been doing.
    The town is looking good. I don't remember those lovely wide footpaths there last time. Very pretty.
