Friday 12 April 2013

Just desserts

We all turn 60  this year.  Three of us have already taken the step to elegance and enlightenment.
Bronwyn had this cake made at the Braidwood establishment which concocts all our birthday, wedding and other celebratory cakes.  She then had to cosset it from Canberra to Adelaide to Coffin Bay.
Design concept:  Gilles Plains High School Prefects' Blazer (which we all wore at some time - we were poor and had to share...)

Photos of Gilles Plains H.S. Alumni adorn the Coffin Bay fridge.

Paraphernalia on dressing table stylist's own.
Back in Adelaide, watching telly with Mum, I heard this joke (which works better aurally):  Why did the oyster leave the party?  He pulled a mussel.
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  1. The joke got narry a giggle from anyone else on the couch but me.
    Who is the 3rd prefect (perfect?) 60 year old? At fist I thought it was a Hogwarts cake...must have had something to do with that comment about enlightenment.

  2. There's Bronwyn, Corinne, Heather and me (technically I, I think). Heather is the young one.
    Actually I didn't get the joke when I first heard it (I think it was from New Tricks - it's an age thing...)but I stored it away because I was on an oyster bender - then I got it.
    Loved your Tassie postings. Very tempting.

  3. I do like that dressing table and yes, I did laugh about the oyster! Love Pem XXXX

  4. Thought you'd like that dressing table. You're much too young to understand the oyster joke...
    Scandalised Aunty XXXX

  5. No Hogwarts, just QUEANBEYAN for four very influential strega who spent their time eating cake and casting spells, good and bad, as appropriate.

    Of course, for the four, aforementioned, a journey to the distant land of Braidwood, which, I think is close to a certain Wood-between-the-worlds visited at times by an influential White Witch, would be warranted. Therefore, I see the source of confusion, oysters, not withstanding!

  6. Whoops. Braidwood / Queanbeyan - obviously equally mystical to my ears... I must fully distribute the Strega so we can all partake of its health giving properties. Perhaps we could all sip together on the next full moon.
