Friday, 9 September 2016

wealth for very little toil

I think I have written previously that the only reason I would like to be Holmes a Courtishly wealthy is to own Van Gogh's irises.  Well I'm nearly there.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

no-one to blame

but myself.  Yesterday I went to the Blood Bank in town.  I remembered the camera. I had charged the battery the night before.  The BB has moved to Bathurst Street and now has rooftop parking.  I like a bit of roof top.  So I took out my camera, framed a shot which showed that Hobart is starting to feel like a city - and I'd forgotten to put the battery in the camera.  It was a glorious day with magnolias leaping out of gardens and Mt Wellington (kunanyi) soaring like a cathedral.  But you'll just have to take my word for it.
If you're interested in local colour, I've discovered 2 authors who write Tassie based detective stories.
I've read 2 SJ Browns and finished the David Owen this afty.  I prefer the Pufferfish.  The DI Mahoney books read more like scripts to me.  Both, however, take you on a joyride around Tasmania.
And here's some green for Spring.

Tonight we're off to see The Grand Budapest Hotel at the Orford Odeon.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Kefir Queen

Jean Green Bean's skills are many and various.  She may not have persuaded Princess Mary to be the Patron of the Taroona School's soccer team but she has turned me into a kefir queen.
Here's the stuff bubbling away nicely on the window sill (in lieu of hellebore in small glass vase) and possibly keeping an eye on the laundry in the caravan park.
In the morning  you drain off the juice while your teapot is steeping, the bread is toasting and the dishes are waiting to be done.
When the dishes are done you have this  bowl of apparent purity which is in fact heaving with probiotics (move over Dr Shirota).  After putting the curdy looking stuff in a clean jar, you add milk and put it back in the window for another 24 hours toil and trouble.  I drink the strained liquid straight from the bowl.  It tastes like sour yoghurt but has a lovely creamy texture like a smoothy.  I'm sure it must be doing me good.