Friday 14 September 2018

bulbine bulbosa byebye

I am going away for a week so thought I'd do a quick bulbine post.  I have just returned from deadheading the bulbines at The Gatehouse, my garden away from home.
All the ones in the foreground are self-sown and I have been indulged by my council co-workers to let them stay because I believe they can become 'a host of golden bulbines'.  It looks as though it may work.
It's a joy to watch them develop buds and flowerheads.

Here's the experimental patch in my own garden.  I'm trying to merge my veggie garden with native Tasmanian foods.
I'm also trying them out in pots.  It they work, we can sell them from the Gatehouse produce stall.
Nicky from the school currently has pumpkin and zucchini seedlings for sale.  She also reworked the board with the most golden pumpkin yellow chalk.

These are very clean leeks from Mel's garden.  They inspired me to make Welsh Rarebit for tea last night.  One day I'll have a go at making it with the bulbine bulbs.  I have read that they have a mild onion flavour.

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