Wednesday 3 April 2019

sweet inspiration

A while ago The Floosie sent me the book Writers' Gardens.  I read it cover to cover then loaned it to a friend who returned it recently.  Perusing it again I was struck by this photo of Beatrix Potter's garden, firstly for its inherent beauty but secondly because of the watering can on the extreme bottom right.  Aha, I thought, now I know how the broken watering can from Wentworth and the rabbit from Steve's Mum Mel come together.
Et voila.  Whether Beatrix' dog also ate the sheep poo in a new garden bed doesn't seem to be documented.

This birthday, The Floosie sent me this book.  And two nights ago, in the middle of the night, aha!

I know what to do with that rusty container we acquired with the house.

1 comment:

  1. I feel I am guiding your actions from afar!!!!! Woohoo.....
    Conversely, you've inspired me to delve into Daphne and I am now reading 'Manderley Forever: The Life of Daphne Du Maurier'. FF
