Friday 16 August 2019

A is for Art

Last night was the launch of the Steve's 2020 Calendar and the Opening of the exhibition of the calendar pictures and some recent works which do not feature sheds.  I was tasked with bringing Jill and a corkscrew.  Upon my arrival I was mobbed by people desperate for a glass of red.   Apparently I was the only person who could operate the corkscrew.  Sadly the demands of opening bottles and holding Jill through the speeches made me totally forget I was the photographer too, so I have no record of those august events.  The Exhibition was opened by Steve's friend David.  They went to Primary School together and Dave is possibly the only person extant who has known Steve for this length of time.
Here we have Nephew Kyrle, Steve and his muse Jill overseeing sales.

Gratuitous Cousin Kyrle photo for Georgia

We were blessed by the full moon.

I got caught in conversation with a newby to Tribes so didn't get to do much camera roving even after I'd remembered my responsibilities.  Most of the photos are taken from the same spot.

After the show is over, Leni and Mel get down to the real reason they're there.
Cleaning up.

I apologise for this brief coverage but it's the best I could do.

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