Monday 21 March 2022


I went to Canberra to be with Lady Jayne whose husband, Bill, had just gone into a nursing home.

While I was waiting in the foyer of the home, a resident played piano from this song book.   They were the songs my Dad used  to sing and which my Mum remembers.  Anything after The Beatles is far too new for Mum.

we stocked up on provisions

visited old places

visited new exhibitions

drank coffee while trees grew at The Arboretum

had an amazing seafood platter at  B&B's favourite restaurant
blue plates for the cold serve
paprika red plates for the hot
There was so much we had to  leave some!!!!

Steve rang me to say he'd seen some earrings on a 'social' somewhere that he thought I may like for my birthday.  They were at the Beavers Gallery so we took her Ladyship's carriage there.  It is a lovely gallery with interesting tree sculptures for the garden.  Despite the patient help from the gallery assistant and photos beamed across the universe, we were unable to identify to which earrings Steve alluded...  So I bought these ones.

We had adventures, but most of Lady Jayne's time was spent with Bill.  I stayed home and contented myself  Dining with Proust .  I learnt more about In Search of Lost Time than I had from reading the actual Proust - admittedly in translation, and I'm only on book 3.
one day I may whip up some of these

I flew home on Thursday on this tiny plane.  It was a Link flight, direct Canberra to Hobart, and flew low so I had clear views of sea, islands and coastline.

Very sadly, Bill died on Saturday night.  He was a much loved husband.


  1. Your Canberra trip sounds lovely, and you must have been a wonderful support for Bron. I'm sure it has made her stronger and more able to cope now. How is she? I didn't know there was a direct Hobart Canberra flight. I would love to visit there - haven't been for years. I hope you aren't expecting madelaines when you come over - or anything like that feast you had with Bron. FF

  2. And I forgot to mention those gorgeous earrings. Very tasteful, elegant, and sophisticated. Very BB!
