Monday 15 April 2024

a quick last post

healthy afternoon tea at the Bowls Club

Mikeangelo seducing the ladies with sea shanties at The Mill
Mary Marg conducting the support act from the floor
Maria Voices and Van Diemens Band jam after the event

sourdough cooked by Malcolm in our oven
some Tuesday lunch offerings, including pears from our tree

black cockatoo at Malcolm's

my first ever art class - the tutor's work
my rather curious work

the event I couldn't go to because I was sick
I'm nearly back to normal now and hoping to wake at 3am tomorrow to catch the 06:05 to Sydney, then off to Wales via Singapore, and Heathrow of course,
I will arrive in Heathrow on 17 April aka World Haiku Day.  So, in anticipation:

The plane lands where once
my Mum rode her bicycle
through lanes and meadows.

Plane meets bike.
What does my Mum care,
riding above it all.


  1. Hi from sunny Mildura.. it’s midnight.. sun has gone to bed.. I’m sorted on how to send a msg..hopefully! My IT skills are questionable.. loved all the pics on your post.. yummy food to share.. bread looks’re possibly in UK .. next stop Wales.. I can hear a sigh of … ‘at last’.. have the most fabulous time catching up with friends and family.. try some welsh dancing or is it ‘a Jig’.. climb many hills.. breathe Wales sea air..visit the pubs.. drink some beer.. eat healthily... WALES HAS CALLED YOU..savour every the moment...a beautiful poem for you mum.. much love Sasha Babe.. (Sandrine)

  2. Well done Babe! You've cracked the comments. Am now in Wales and will do everything you say, as always. XXXX
