Saturday 24 August 2024

Take 2

 I  know the common wisdom is to never go back, but I was born on the Day of Return and that's what I do.  So, having a small errand to run, I decided to also return to Orford beach today.
better weather but not so beautiful

wattles less stunning than when against a platinum sheet

the water still clear but not glass-like

5 little black cormorants, 3 currently under water

A  house that looked like a fairytale cottage in the woods with  smoke rising vertically from the chimney yesterday, looked ordinary today.

But there was still magic to be found.
tiny fairy homes on the way back to the car

Look twice!!
Nothing to do with Orford or even Australia.  Rosa Norte's holiday photos from Alaska!!


  1. Hmmm. A little bit of a curmudgeon here? Wattle not so stunning? Orford Beach not so beautiful? Water clear but not glass-like? Cottage not so fairy-tale-ish? Glass have empty perhaps!!!!!! Though the fairy homes were a nice touch.
    Oooh. You had me fooled for a nano second. A large wombat perhaps?

  2. Eeeek the Orford diprodoton!!!!

  3. That was meant to be 'glass half empty'! I hope you can handle the publicity when you're uncovered as the perpetrator of the great Orford Diprodoton hoax.

  4. Yes, but will the diprododon?????
