Monday 2 September 2024

Happy Birthday Hildy May!

Mum and I both have a penchant for Cointreau
so what must a good daughter do on her Mum's birthday?
Mum liked to drink hers as an after dinner liqueur - neat in a small glass.  I like Cointreau and lemon with ice, cocktail style.  And that's what I've just had.

You may recall that last year Helly, Tamasin, Willowa and I went to the Magnolia Gully at Mt Lofty Botanical Gardens to celebrate Mum's birthday and her life.
Back home, I set about buying 2 magnolia plants,
one deciduous (Waterlily Magnolia)
one evergreen (White Pearl).
I am pleased to say that they have both survived and blossomed right on time for her birthday.  This spot seems to perfectly meet their needs but I'm still waiting on the inspiration to pretty it up a bit.  It will come.

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