Sunday 31 January 2010

Tell you why I do like Mondays

because I don't have to go to work. Cool breezes came through last night and though the temperature is still forecast to be 37C today, this morning felt invigorating. So I accompanied Steve and the girls to Snake Island. It's called that because it looks like a snake when viewed from the air. I'm pretty sure there's plenty of snakes but I've never seen one. One of the special things about this island is that you're walking with the Darling River on one side and the Murray on the other (and you could get beamed up any minute)
This is the place where Capt. Sturt and his crew encountered local Aboriginal People in the 1830s. It possibly wasn't an island then - the weirs built across the Murry since the 1920s have raised the water level.
After our walk, I showed Steve "Sturt's Tree' in the local caravan park. Snake Island is in the background.

As Steve said, we seem to have a penchant in Wentworth for festooning places of significance with rubbish bins.
And here's the sign on the other side of the tree. Larrikins all.
And here's another sign I love from the newsagency today:
Hope I don't win.