Saturday 13 March 2010

OK. The Rabbit wins.

It looks as though Thumper has won a trip to Wales - presumably for cuteness.  So I thought I'd better get in the picture too.  Here we are in our garden in Angus Drive, England, a few years ago.  Discerning gardener-type people could be forgiven for thinking this was a young Edna Walling...  It looks frightfully Bickleigh Vale.  But to keep my gardening credentials, I thought I'd show you my rosemary which has finally flowered.
Said gardener-type people may be thinking that plants tend to flower when they're stressed and on their way out, and I think this may be the case.  This rosemary plant has survived amazing drought conditions and, though it looks quite healthy here, in real life it's not looking so crash hot.  I've been waiting years for it to flower.  I love the story that Mary (ie mother of Jesus) threw her mantle over the bush (not my one) and since that time it has had blue flowers.  Given my bush has only one flower (read no further if you are of a religious bent) it must have been her g-string.


  1. I'm so glad the rabbit wins- I'll expect lots of photos of him in situ now- like the garden gnome ones! I'm just hoping my rosemary grows back this year- it tends to die off in the winter here- you are supposed to cut it right back and I forgot. I guess being covered in sea water in the flooding last night will do neither it, nor any of my other herbs, any good either though.

  2. Hmmmmm don't know. Rosemary is supposed to grow well close to the sea...

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Dearest Darlingest Maggie!!!! I'm so totally confused by us being on daylight savings time that I dare not call in case I wake you up. Hope you had a WONDERFUL day. ALL our love from us lot over here.
