Monday 6 December 2021

Amazing alacrity

(Perhaps I should re-visit the alphabet series from 2019??  Possibly with alliteration?)

the Christmas decorations are up
hopefully they'll withstand the rain

Saturday was the Suicide Prevention Network's Memorial Service.  The weather kept us on our toes.  It was wet and windy as we put up the tents and put out the seats.
Sunny but gusty as the ceremony progressed.  We had the Maria Voices singing for us this year with a magpie carolling along
and (look carefully) this bird happy to just watch  proceedings.
We moved en masse to the beach where, to everyone's surprise, the sand was warm.
We had plenty of rose petals for people to scatter in remembrance of loved ones,
with some ashes scattered too.

It all went beautifully and network members repaired to Wattle Banks cafe to congratulate ourselves.

Sunday it was back to Spring Beach but for a 9 o'clock swim and then an abundant breakfast at the aptly named house 'Camelot', starting with a tot of Baileys.

The only photo I took was of these gorgeous sandals, which turned out to be Crocs.  And now I have to hunt some down,


  1. I applaud the Christmas decoration - such restraint in these days of Santas on the roof and sparkling lights. Loved that coastal photo with the clouds. But the water looks so cold - I think you are very brave to go swimming. Those sandals do look nice; shall check them out to see if they have them here. FF

  2. Not being a tropical person, the water suits me just fine! Cool and cleansing. It must be the Welsh in me.
    Let me know if you find the crocs. I was going into the Croc Shop in Hobart yesterday but duty called and I did school Lunch Program instead.
