Sunday 6 February 2022

Season of the which...

It is that glorious time of the year when the self-sown seeds develop into little plants, and decisions have to be made:  weed out or keep for later foraging?  Yummy fun.

going to the portaloo at day break has its previously unseen pleasures

sea holly and transplanted lavenders outside Steve's Studios 1 & 2

bit of clearing out  for the next plan...

which involves converting this dark corner to natives

fungi on a chopped pittosperum

looking back to the dark corner from the netted Cox's Pippin
finally got something to grow in the window box of Studio 3

where potager and Tassie native garden meet

main self-seeding and future foraging area

the private corner where I take bucket baths in the absence of a bathroom

simple pleasures - rhubarb in Georgia's kitchen

our Chinese New Year feast




  1. A truly inspirational garden, worthy of a Monty Don visit. Love the sea holly and the hidden spaces. The to-be native garden area looks promising and of course will no doubt be full of bee, bird and butterfly attracting plants. Of course any property that includes not only Studios 1 and 2 but a Studio 3 is worthy of a story in Country Style magazine. May we see what artistic endeavours comes out of these studios? Are they all Steve's domain or do you (pardon the pun) potter? FF

  2. Meant to say - love your title and I'm sure Donovan would approve. However... I can't stop singing it !!!

  3. Well done re title - wasn't sure anyone would get it. It was aimed at Bronwyn, a great Donovan fan, but I'm not sure that she sees the blog these days.
    The garden is designed to lure Monty in, but so far to no avail. The dark corner is no more - Georgia fixed it with her chainsaw.
    The studios are all Steve's domain, too messy and dirty even for me. I have the garden shed. We share the other shed, though it is mainly domestic. Currently filled with toilet bowl, shower bay, vanity, etc, and not accessible - especially as the plumber took the key...
