Friday 15 July 2022

The rainbow has landed


and worked its magic

subtly, as in broad beans emerging,

last year's daffodils returning like a legion of Persephones,

and the transplanted hellebores looking small but elegant in their new home beside the back fence.

Jill takes a sensible and philosophical stance,

as do I when the odd (and intensely flavoured) raspberry appears in the middle of Winter

and Hildegard of Bingen visits my garden.
She considered herself 'a feather on the breath of God'.


  1. Love your winter garden. Ah hellebores. Had a few at 'Glenfield', much beloved. Teatowel philosophy spot on. Both Jills agree on this. And we woke this morning to a Hildegard of Bingen tune - 800 years old - on ABC Classic. I thought of your feather. FF

  2. You awoke late! I heard Hildegard too this morning. XXXX
