Thursday 1 September 2022


Today is Mum's 96th birthday.  The day I saw her on the verandah of the nursing home, all rugged up for the wind and cold, reminded me of this photo from our trip to St Davids in 2010.
We were walking on the road to Whitesands (Porth Mawr) and had just crossed the bridge where Dad saw the ghost of a hooded monk many, many years ago.

I also have to report, while on the mother theme, that I wore Mum's fur coat to the FrocknFur.  
Someone said I looked like the Queen Mother.

And, on one of the rare occasions when I got to see Mum in the nursing home this visit, someone asked me if I was Mum's sister...


  1. Happy birthday to your mum (a bit belated I'm sorry to say). You have very good genes. I'm sure she enjoyed the bracing trip outside the nursing home with you and your sister. I worked out that she was 84 when striding along the path to Whitesands! Wow, I still have a ways to go. She looked very spritely.Were you holding a gin when they compared you to the Queen Mum? FF

  2. Neither gin nor fish bone that night. Though I did have a very good seafood pizza. And bubbles, of course. XXXX
