Thursday 24 November 2022

Gooseberry fool

I've eaten my one gooseberry.  I had forgotten how exquisitely they are flavoured.  I hope there're more next year!  I've also eaten 2 raspberries, with the promise of  more.  Apart from those, there are only broad beans to eat.  But I am grateful for
abundant Gold Bunnies

opinionated grandsons at Thanks Giving

fine food and friends and
being allowed to wear my uggies to Thanks Giving.

There's also
the truly amazing and generous Maria Voices choir
at Remembrance Day

Steve spent a night in hospital last Sunday to get some new blood so Jilly PD and I took it upon ourselves to fish and chipnic in the rain at Luther Point on Monday.

(There'll be a short break in transmission while I meet my friend Anne
for lunch at the pub.  I may have a food obsession.)

Here I am at the pub waiting for Anne of the Ladle Cortege. (You can actually see  her in the Thanksgiving photo).
(lunch was delicious)

When I'm not eating, I try to make time for reading.
I have become a huge fan of Heather Rose

This one dances around topics and places of great interest to me but left me dissatisfied.

I'm only into the first few pages of this and am struggling a bit.  You may know it.  It's an early 'thriller' first published in 1939.  I saw holloways in Devon featured on telly while staying at Pearl's, and was very intrigued.  Rogue Male partly takes place in a holloway , according to the program I saw.  It better do.

This is much more my sort of thing.  The book is colourfully illustrated by the author.  Naturally, places in Paris get a mention but it is really about applying the spirit of adventure and curiosity to where you live.  A clever little book.

It's not quite The Louvre, but I did notice recently how pretty is this view from the toilet door to the kitchen...
Yesterday Jill PD and I tripped around town carrying out a few little chores.  At first we thought we could hear mermaids singing (thank you Seven Skins of Esther Wilding) but the music was coming from this boat at the marina.  I suspect it was a practice for The Squid Festival that starts tonight.  I am off to a screening of the 1954 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in a few minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Once again I am exhausted by your seemingly endless ability to live life to the full. You are certainly no-one's fool - least of all a gooseberry. And I hope that Steve, too, is raring to go with his new blood!!!! (I'm still in recovery mode from my ill-fated trip to Melbourne, desperately hoping for some warm weather to revitalise the old bones). And where was that sumptuous Thanksgiving feast???? I assume at Georgia's? Gold Bunny's are impressive. We've had such good weather for roses this season and even my bushes are heavily laden. 'Pretend You're in Paris' sounds just the kind of book I need. I've just finished the last of Upfield's works so no more in that series, though I'm still searching for some of his non-Bony works. FF
