Wednesday 14 December 2022

Diddley squid

You may recall that I was off to the Squid Festival last time I blogged, the free screening of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea to be more precise.  I was particularly interested because I had stayed in Nantes with my friend Helene, and this is where Jules Verne was born.  I think I visited the Jules Verne Museum while I was there, but that was back in 1983, too far back to remember.

Triabunna was eerily transformed.
The turn up to the screening was very disappointing but I thoroughly enjoyed the film and marveled at the special effects for a 1954 production.
When I got home (after a stroll home under a spectacularly clear sky laden with stars) and reported to Steve, he got very excited and found his much loved childhood book.
And so I experienced the film again, noting that Esmeralda the Seal in the film is Snoopy in the book.  Jill PD and I both think Esmeralda steals the show.  The next day I joined a bush foods walk around the esplanade.  Friends of Triabunna Reserves endeavour to maintain the indigenous plants here on the foreshore.  It was amazing to hear that these plants, which we take somewhat for granted, can all be put to good usage if you have the knowledge.  It has made me all the more committed to the Friends group.
A full day of exhibitions, lectures and squid related events followed.  I did not attend these, though the later reports were very good.  My feeling is that the event was more popular with Hobart people than locals.
The Saturday night saw Jill PD and I meander to the marina.  Walking down Melbourne Street towards the water we were greeted by an amazing sight and sound.  Sail billowing, a yacht cruised towards us and ethereal music filled the sea.  An unforgettable experience.  The singer and musicians continued on board as the boat circled the marina, the sail a constantly changing canvas.  Spell binding.

I'd like to say I stayed in that enchanted space, but in fact I haven't done much because I haven't felt well - tired and tooth achey - but covid negative.  We have continued weekly tai chi at the Community Health Centre, which has been extravagantly decorated for the season.

we would look beautiful if we didn't have to wear masks
fortunately we know the ropes - the signage artfully hidden

The weather had been cold, wet and windy so not much happening in the garden, though I do have broad beans and raspberries.
this is about the most interesting sight in the garden!

1 comment:

  1. Once again I have been transported to Triabunna's delights. The Squid Festival sounded fabulous. I loved the fishy tail emerging near the cinema. And what about that yacht cruising in the marina. I envied your walk under a clear sky 'laden with stars'. I thought we would have more 'big skies' here but of course we are so suburban now so we rarely see anything like that. Sigh. Yes, it's been cold, wet and windy here too, but the garden is flourishing and needs constant attention at the moment. A friend gave me some carrot plants so I'm giving them a go - I am definitely not a vege gardener like you, so we'll see what happens. Are they artichokes on the photo??? FF
