Saturday 24 February 2024

possibly disappointing

There's not much to report.
Mozart survived being fed by random Soirettes.  Anne has now returned but I haven't caught up with her to hear of her cruise adventures.  Having spent a month on a boat when migrating to Australia, I feel a cruise would disappoint.  Oh the thrill of being 11 years old and having a whole ship to explore. I sometimes watch part of a show on SBS called The Good Ship Murder because I like the opening scenes with wide views of some Mediterranean city.  The show is like something made in  the 1960s, corny as, but I do enjoy glimpses of Casablanca, Lisbon, etc.
view of Anne's back garden visible when replenishing the kitty litter

And so life continues pleasant but not particularly exciting.
The Weily Fox continues to pump life into the Suicide Prevention Network.  We met for lunch and cocktails recently to discuss ideas and forthcoming events, then met again at the pub where she surprised me with a coaster from Aberdyfi.  Many years ago she and a friend had run sessions at a summer camp there.

Last night Jill PD and I walked to Georgia's to celebrate the Lantern Festival which I think marks the end of the Chinese New Year.  Georgia and I walked around her paddock carrying our lanterns while the dogs romped and jumped around us, joyful at this unanticipated nocturnal outing.  We briefly glimpsed the full moon as it obligingly peeped through the cloud bank. There are no photos because we couldn't put the lanterns down for fear of igniting the incredibly dry grass in the Year of the Wood Dragon.

Today Jilly and I again walked to Georgia's, this time to meet with Cousin Steve and Karen, visiting from Singapore, and Monique, Steve's daughter, who lives in Melbourne.  We're all dog-lovers and Jill and Miya happily showed off what good dogs they are.  As a reward, I walked Jill home 'the long way'.  This involves walking along a lane I consider quintessentially Australian, across the church land where kangaroo grass still grows, then through the school grounds.  Above you can see the footy posts, The Gatehouse and The Thumbs.

Almost beside our gate is this truck, presumably something to do with Jay The Mechanic.  For some reason I find this image very amusing.  Has it been staged, I wonder?

Once home, I finished this book started yesterday.  I loved it.  To me it is a meditation.  A sort of guided meditation via an ordinary woman's life to prompt memories of events and emotions in my own.

Now I suppose I'd better get back to the vacuuming.

1 comment:

  1. He he. We've delved into the Good Ship too and share your views. But we did like seeing Palma last week. This week it's all about a poker game so may be the death knell for us. Sadly, there was no Lantern Festival here. You do have all the luck.
