Tuesday 25 January 2011

Happy Australia Day !!!!! Now we are one.

A whole year of blogging and I have enjoyed it.  Here's Australia Day in Wentworth.  A bit different this year.  The ceremony was held in the Town Hall this year for fear of where the floods may be up to by now.

A bit more mellow than last year with its water-propelled rocket launch at the junction!  Wilder outside our place.
 Something different at the Royal
And as for the floods...
The lower part of the wharf is under water - much to Sis's confusion.  And the bench looks a little lonely.
The flood waters are expected to reach Mildura in about 3 weeks.  Wentworth will be a little after that.  The Shire boys haven't put up the levee system on Wharf Street yet so there's no panic.  It is a little surreal when the evening news says the 'inland sea is moving northwards and westwards' across Victoria.  And amusing to see my blog on 30 January last year...


  1. We are awaiting developments from afar. B & B

  2. Wowzers- you'll be doing dives from your deck into the water at this rate! Happy Australia Day back at you, although it doesn't quite feel the same here with all the snow - more snow than we've ever had.
