Wednesday 26 September 2012


I have being doing my Dual Diagnosis course and eating fruit and nut chocs (highly recommended on a sugar-free, carb-free diet - we all have our addictions) most of the day, but thought I'd indulge in a short post.  Here's a 'plant out of place' that I glimpse on my way to work.  I've never noticed it before this year.  It's at the Merbein Pump Station.
Here's my own attempt to grow 'native wysteria'.
As Bron knows, this is the plan...


  1. I've never had a lot of luck growing that either but it is exceptionally beautiful in flower...Pem XX

  2. We have two varieties of Sarsparilla growing, one a dwarf variety and one a more vigorous grower.

    The dwarf variety is pretty, but has a tendency to sulk and then die for no apparent reason.

    I envy your sword ferns, alas not viable here as far as I am aware.

    The closest we have managed to a wisteria effect is a Cootamundra wattle, undercut very vigorously and pruned heavily above, which provides a single layer of pendulous golden blooms, now finished. Alas, we overlook no body of water and the wattle will be short-lived!
