Thursday 7 November 2019

N is for No Promises to Keep

It is a real list-less Thursday today.  I need it.  But there are no photos.  So here's some I prepared earlier:
Steve has taken to painting flowers.  The painting of the flowers in the vase on the table is unframed in the sunroom - a tad difficult to see in this photo.  I thought it would be good to get an action shot featuring them both, but I failed!

Tuesday we boycotted the Melbourne Cup and went for a road trip to see apparently happy horses in fields.
Here we are dining in splendid isolation at the South Arm RSL.  Everyone else was otherwise engaged, either propping up the bar or tottering around in fascinators.

How about this for a coincidence.  I was merrily reading this Pufferfish book when I realised the bookmark I was using.

1 comment:

  1. That reminds me. I must get onto these Puffer books!!! They soud fabulous. And yes, the bookmark is amazingly impressive. And I was at yoga on Tuesday blissfully unaware of any horse race. As a comment in the paper said, could this be 'the race that the nation stops' ?????? FF
