Saturday 2 November 2019

M is for Mission accomplished

It could also be for mayor, minutes and meeting but I won't mention such matters.
I refer to the garden.  I'm definitely not saying its finished  - a garden is always a work in progress.  But I think I have its measure.  And I think its got mine.  So we're mates.  I think I now know what will grow where and what I want to grow.

Starting from the driveway:  an access ramp is planned to go along the house wall and end on a deck; the carport will be moved to the fenceline.

 looking to the left (south)

walking southerly

taking a look at one of Steve's sculptures with the rain still on it

to the southern boundary and looking back

now looking left again and proceeding to the western boundary

passing the Angel Face rose on the way.
The plan is for this climber to cover the shed and look stunning from the bathroom window.  The plan has gone slightly astray cos I thought I was buying a Blue Moon.

Western fence directly ahead.
This small area may be developed in the English style, ie I'm thinking of moving the foxgloves, hellebores, solomon's seal and aquilegia there.  Maybe even growing delphiniums, as requested by some.  This part of the garden does not get any sunlight until Spring.  Lilies of the Valley already in place.
looking back, ie easterly towards the street

looking to the left again, ie northerly now
This area behind the shed, and stockpile of Steve's glass, was recently revealed by Snipper Shane, and opens up a world of possiblities.

walking through aforesaid mentioned New World and turning to look the length of the garden

keep walking to the northern boundary - turn right to view the nascent orchard and chipping HQ

looking back through orchard and woodchip paraphernalia

standing outside the laundry window, looking west
The laundry is to be demolished, relocated and replaced by a deck if all goes to plan...  some of this herb garden may have to go as well.  Note also fire pit obtained from caravan park next door.  They were only too happy to give it to me after a caravanner left it behind and I was only too happy to remove the possiblity of our house catching fire.  It is to be regifted to Steve for his birthday.

totally posed photo to imply Jill PD indulges in fine dining in the laundry
However, I have enjoyed having these flowers in the laundry where I can appreciate them without constantly clearing up, so they (more likely their successors) may have a place in the future laundry.

looking down the garden from the backdoor - without rain this Sunday

bit hard to see in this photo but most of Steve's tomato plants are in this part of the garden, in front of the artichokes - Steve's favourite part of the garden

my current favourite part

I will also mention the mateless magpie.  Steve has always wanted a pet magpie and I thought this may be a happening thing until I saw the butcher feeding the young magpie a handful of mince.

I so love the weekends.  'Listless Thursday' seems to have gone by the board.  I'm fond of saying my dance-card is full and refusing to take on more responsibilities, but the dances seem to be getting longer.  Which reminds me, I'm also really enjoying Vanity Fair on Saturday nights.

1 comment:

  1. You've got such a big space as well as out-of-the-way spaces. How lucky to be able to indulge your gardening fantasies. Will there be any hedges or walled sections? I do love that rose! And Steve's glass sculpture - very classy. And the poppies...... Seems you have big expansion plans. They sound great. A deck is definitely needed.
    Not sure the actress is right for the part of Becky - far too modern and pulls too many smirky faces to my liking. Good old Dobbin though FF.
