Sunday 26 April 2020

It's all too beautiful*

It's so good to be back home.  I enjoyed my quarantine time and will blog it soonish,  I treated it as a 'Retreat', which is something I've always wanted to do, and spent the time reading, yoga-ing and tai chi-ing.  Gradually the Wu Tao dances came back to me.  ABC Classic was my constant companion each day until 6.30pm when I'd watch the SBS news, switch to ABC news at 7pm, and then channel hop with access to SBS Movie Channel too.  There were church bells, on the quarter hour, and the atmosphere was a cross between St Davids and Paris.  Which is not a bad thing...
I didn't feel that I missed many things, mainly my hairbrush and my blackbirds.  I did look forward to being in boots and overalls again so, of course, that is how I have spent today.  As soon as I was out in the garden I realised how much I had missed it.  Already my perfect nails are damaged and my supersoft feet (not having worn shoes for a fortnight) are distorting and hardening up. I'm giving ABC Classic a break and listening to the sounds around me - the blackbird and, for a few magic moments, bells ringing - until I realised it was the sound of the metal lines hitting the flag poles at the council offices.
The tomatoes above are not from the garden.  At Jill's insistence we walked to the Gatehouse and I foraged from my secret self-sown tomato patch - that's why they are in a (fresh off the roll) dog poo bag.

* Small Faces' Itchycoo Park - favourite song when skating at the Moonah Ice-skating Rink during Wednesday Activities with students from Elizabeth Matriculation College mid 1970s - and dreaming of a lake in Austria

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