The chairs were all set out in accordance with Covid 19 guidelines, which made them look like 'naughty chairs' set out in the Orford Community Hall. It was a cute little event with lots of gingerbread and shortbread, so no complaints from me.
Friday was the day of the funeral of my friend's husband. It was held at the Orford Bowls Club, dear to both of them. I knew there would me lots attending and wasn't sure of the rules in these 'unprecedented days' so got there a bit late to ensure I could stay outside. As I drove closer it became apparent that there were hundreds in attendance, so I changed plan and drove to Manning Avenue, from where you can easily reach the cliff tops to gaze out to sea and think.
the ideal view for reflection
the conveniently placed bench
with a dedication which I thought probably expressed my widowed friend's feelings
There were also signs of Spring with native plants in flower.
And then the short stroll back to the road and the car. The land on both sides of the path is privately owned, and is some of the most beautiful bush I know. True inspiration for the garden and life.