Thursday 1 February 2018

head butted and moonstruck

Sue, who is married to Henry the Omniscient, was very excited at gym on Wednesday because her cactus was in flower.  After gym, Her Majesty The Queen of Hearts and I trotted around to Sue's to witness the phenomenon.

It was an overcast day so the flowers weren't open to their fullest but absolutely gorgeous nevertheless.  I haven't seen a cactus in flower since early Wentworth days.  The unsung string of pearls was pretty awesome too.

I headed home via the mulberry tree, stopping off for a bit of a graze.  As I approached the narrow start to the walkway home I noticed the  tethered goat blocking the entrance.  I say 'the goat' because I think Triabunna only has one goat and he / she seems to be loaned around the town to keep grasses and blackberries under control.  I wasn't overly worried because it always seems placid and was wagging its tail.  It was, however, in a playful mood and would not let me pass.  After dancing for a while and stroking its nose, I grabbed the horns and tried to lever it out of my way.  The goat fought back and impaled my jumper on the barbed wire fence.  Its hard to disentangle yourself from a fence when a goat is butting you.  And then I remembered that Sue had given me some plums.  Gently one by one I fed it plums as I eased myself free and manoeuvred to where I wanted to be and proceeded home. I was a little worried about the plum stones but figure goats eat worse than that.

I watched the Big Blue Blood Moon rise as I walked back from closing the Gatehouse (I don't know why sky shots bring out those strange shapes on my camera).  Fortunately 300 Years of French & Saunders was on tv to help me make it to eclipse time.  We watched the eclipse to a fine silver sliver and then a cloudbank came over and I retired to bed.  Steve woke me a little later to see the moon now a beautiful apricot with a pink blush.

And if you want to see where my soul hovers, go here.


  1. I was just trying to demonstrate to Bill that I could no longer put up comments on your blog and BINGO, up went my plaintive greeting "Hello", from the darkness. Technology exists solely to highlight my inadequacies, but it looks as if the humorous gremlins in the guts of the machine have had their fun and liberated me. Anticipate more boring, banal, BB comments, you poor girl!

  2. Yippeeee. And hello to you too. So nice to have you back. Bardic Banter?

  3. Boring, Banal, BB, Bardic Banter indeed. Such larks!
