Tuesday 15 September 2020

between worlds

 Mel's Dad, Robert, told me about the orchids that are springing up

so Jill PD and I went in search of them.  I can't really capture the number of them in the field behind the church - the Glebe perhaps.  It is a beautiful piece of earth that may not have been mowed for years and is full of native grasses.

I shall venture out and take more photos to try to capture the magic of this place.  In the meantime, I have a cold, possibly a cold/hayfever combination, so I'm staying home so as not to scare the daylights out of everyone.
But I have beautiful companions in my isolation.  Wildwood is one of Robert's book.  It is everything I love, and would love to write.  Rob says it gets even better in the later chapters but I am blissfully happy in the early chapters set in England and full of places I know.  It also connects me with my Dad who, after an adolescence down the mines, escaped to London and became a Timber Technologist through the wonders of Night School.  Now there are so many things I'd like to chat about with him.

I am reading the two books in tandem.  They are perfectly complementary.  I have read The Mists of Avalon at least once before but every now and then I like to retreat to the time of druids and The Lady.

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