Wednesday 8 May 2019

Out and about in Mannum

The evening after our cruise, Pearl and I combed the street of Mannum looking for likely eateries.  Unfortunately, we didn't find any.
But we did see the beautiful almost full moon over the Murray.
And we are pretty good at provedoring ourselves.  Our only meal out was at Swan Reach after a drive to Walker Flat, two of my favourite places on the river.
Mannum Social Institute shot for Mrs History

sewing machine info for Tamasinsky

One morning we walked to the ferry and crossed the river to explore the other side, spotting some sculpture cyclists for Watkins.
Another day we took an historical walk following a very mysterious map with numbers and legend we're still not sure about.  It included the site where the water pipe we had seen previously from the Mayflower, emerges above ground
and snakes its way to Adelaide.
The weather had been very warm for autumn and I spent a wonderful late afternoon lounging across cane garden chairs with the Murray in the distance.  The wind was warm but gradually had ribbons of cool.  I haven't had that 'cool change' experience since the Gully Winds in Klemzig in the 1960s.  Magic.
The next door cat and his mates have that beautiful view all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the Institute photo, though at 1911 it is a youngster compared to my 1867 Bellerive lady - and in need of some tender loving care.
    FF (though I liked being Mrs History in your blog).
