Saturday 4 May 2019

tirra lirra

It's 5 years since we left River Bank.  I have no regrets.  But the Murray has a siren call and, for many reasons, I was excited to be Eastering at Mannum this year.
a long time since I'd seen the Lower Murray flag
or the ferries

We had the opportunity to take a river trip and jumped on board.
pilgrims on the The Mayflower

Mannum from the Mayflower

big wheels turning

the Mighty Murray lay before us

the Mannum-Adelaide pipeline starts here

they apprentice them young on paddle boats,
bunyips are always a risk

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea there was a Lower Murray flag! But the big wheel turning had me humming Creedence for the rest of the day!!!! FF
