Monday 20 January 2020

Z is for Zero

I couldn't quite get Z.  I had just about decided on Zampatti and Zucchini when I noticed that I'm currently surrounded by zeros.   The first clue came when I realised I had started this blog on Australia Day 2010.  So a 10 year anniversary on Sunday. Tomorrow (21/1/20) will be 20 years since Steve had the stroke - what he called his own Millennium Bug.
And then there's this book I'm ploughing on with while reading other books in between.  It is a fascinating book and I'm learning a lot but I can't sympathise, or empathise, with someone who just needs to buy Shakespeare First Folios regardless of cost.  I think the title is a little misleading.  I was expecting a detective type hunt to find a First Folio.  But no, once he had one, he had to have more, ie obsessive hunt for Shakespeare's First Folios.  I guess you can get addicted to anything, but I'm not addicted to this book and have to read it in instalments.

So to take a break from all those 000000s, Jill PD and I went to Stapleton Beach today looking for the perfect rocks for a new project I have in mind.
There are many to chose from,
though a hovering Maria Island proves a distraction
and a certain dog would rather be chasing sticks through the water.
I was rather taken with this petrified flop-eared rabbit.
This sort of venture is what the Crocs are all about.
And here are the chosen ones.  Not exactly what I was looking for but potential, potential - for nothing will come of nothing.

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