Monday 10 May 2021

Garden and other confessions

My garden didn't miss me at all while I was in Adelaide.  I came back and it was just doing what I had hoped it would do.  Very satisfying.  Of course, there is still plenty to do.  It's a work in progress.  But at least I can see that the hours put in yield long term results.

I've been inundated with books.  Which is also very satisfying. Inundation naturally makes you think of Venice.  I've never been to Venice and probably never will.  I actually lost the desire to go before Covid because it's reported to always be full of tourists...  Now I live there vicariously in Donna Leon's books.  I love trotting around with Inspector Brunetti, going home to eat with his family and considering his wife's opinions on things.  Another life.
Though I loved this one less because it ventures further from the canals.

Then this fell unexpectedly into my hands.  I didn't know it existed, although I am a great fan of The Lost Man and The Dry, not so much The Survivors even though it's set in Tassie.  Anyway, I romped through this one like watching telly.  The ending was not totally satisfying, bit clichéd and neat, but I enjoyed getting there!

The Floosie (who now wants to call me Mad Meg. Ridiculous!!!!!) gave me the Monty Don while I was in Adelaide.  She also sent me 2 huge garden books for my birthday.  Totally overwhelmed, I've loaned the gardening books to my gardener mate, Rob, until I have time to give them due diligence.  This has allowed me to return to Monty who's been waiting for me in France.  I'm sauntering through France with him.  I love his writing style and the fact that we are contemporaries, more or less.  He's a year younger than I and spent the 70s travelling as I had intended to.  Of course, I've caught up a bit but, again, suspect I will never return to France now.  So this is a joy.  

And it's taking a while, not just because he is such good company, but because I have to research the gardens we visit in this book as we go along.  I've had this one for years but see it with slightly different eyes now and I have been inspired to change a longstanding garden plan a little.  The January 2021 Australian Country Style, which I perused while eating sushi in Sorell the other day, also played a role in this.
I even feel a little French with our own garden produce, and whipped up an apple omelette for lunch today.
And I still have this to look forward to.  Though I'm thinking, as it is a slim, easy to carry volume, I may keep it for my next Adelaide flight in July.
Now I'll have a vin rouge.


  1. Oh you are such a Donna Leon fan. I've read a couple so perhaps I should return to her. And I remember borrowing your French Country Garden book years ago. Like you, I had to look up each of the gardens that Monty visited. He's a darling, and I love his writing style. I think I told you that he published a book about a year in his garden in 2020 when Covid struck. You would love it but for me it was a bit too much about English/Wales birds and other creatures (I'm not that interested in moles and voles). FF (And I promise no more Mad Meg ...despite the name having a certain je ne sais quoi about it.)

  2. I love voles and moles and things, so have put a hold on Mad Monty 2020 at the library. Life is too short. I'm never going to get all these books read.
