Friday 12 May 2017

A short Dissertation on the University of Adelaide

I pondered the Uni as I waited for Tamasin at lunch time. It is so genteel and park-like these days.  Individuals walk around apparently talking to no-one.  Nobody smiles.  My memory of Adelaide Uni is of a bustling place, the lawns festooned with people and litter exhorting us to take a stand on some thing.  Memorably, once a guy stood outside the then new extension of the Barr-Smith Library handing out leaflets telling females how they should look and dress in order to be emancipated.
Over the road a church has this message
and I like it.


  1. I only remember having my bag pinched from out the back of the Barr-Smith Library! What an idiot, to leave it there, as required! That and you and I meeting on that lawn and heading off on the bus to demonstrate against the Springboks!

  2. hmmm I seem to recall the guy handing out the leaflets had a nice bag...
