Friday 19 January 2018

even later that same heavenly day

I omitted to tell you that this was a very hot day by Tasmanian standards.  Replete with ice-cream I couldn't resist the cool allure of my room and a little reading.  I'm reading a book about a man who is trying to write an introduction to an anthology of poetry.  It is not the most gripping read though it does throw out some interesting points to ponder about language.  But I found myself pondering about Easter.  Whether to fly or drive.  And if I drive, what shall I take?  I recalled the delightful picnic I had on the Spirit of Tasmania when I drove over in 2014.  And the delightful picnic stop with Lady Jayne when we drove together from Adelaide to Melbourne in our separate cars.  I'd need a small jar of coffee.  Maybe take the vacuum flask.  The boiled eggs were a good idea.  Apples.  Carrots.  Dried fruit and nuts.  What will I put it in?  What happened to that lovely little box my sister kitted out for sewing but perfect for travelling with all its little pockets?  Haven't seen it in ages.
Hold on.  It's there everyday when I open my wardrobe.
And there it was. With Flowers the Bonne ready and waiting for the next adventure.  Easter serviettes already packed.

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