Wednesday 7 October 2020

Bolly Zumba

Anna, at the front of the photo, was supposed to be on tour in India this month.  She's very glad she's not and, whether to celebrate or commiserate I'm not sure, we decided to do Bolly Zumba on Tuesday.

What are ripping lot they are, though I still think Her Majesty on the left above looked more like a tiger hunter.  After zumba we all go to the East Coaster for coffee.  The staff always brace themselves for our number, and were very intrigued by our ensembles this week.

Back in the garden yesterday with the beautiful self-sown poppies and what was to be a soulful record of the back of our house, which was to be demolished and re-configured later in the month.  Not so.  An email from the builder this morning that has thrown plans into disarray.  I'll keep you posted.

I am toying with ideas for the orchard.  Currently, a Grande Allee with Steve's blue bowl as the focal point.

Steve's Golden Delicious is looking absolutely classical.

And yes FF, I have borage. It is self-sown but encouraged, like the poppies, and the bees really do love it.  I let the marigolds, dill and borage self-seed because they attract good pollinators into the garden.  Today (Thursday) it has rained all day, as forecast, and the garden is under water.  Sadly there is wind too, and I'm not looking forward to closing the Gatehouse.


  1. Bolly Zumba sounded fun. It reminded me a bit of when we used to dress up for special Jazzercise classes. You do have exciting moments in T. Loved the mini Flanders field. And yes, a Grand Allee. I remember when you first bought the property and you said you were going to have a 'pear walk'. Intrigued re the back of the house. I know you had plans for, I think, a deck and steps? Hope the reason the plans are on hold is not too dramatic. And your borage looked great. Mine are in a pot because I was warned about the self seeding. I have five seedlings that have just appeared - very tiny but I am encouraged. FF

  2. Oh. I forgot to mention the rain!!!! We heard on the news about the Orford Bridge!!!! Hope your garden didn't get too much rain though. FF
