Friday 1 May 2020

Quarantine Day 1

early morning view from cabin 7007
I gazed at Devonport and wondered where I'd be quarantined.  My dread was a hotel without an opening window but I though that unlikely in Devonport.  I couldn't think of any large hotels that would just be air-conditioned.  All the hotels I could think of had water views.  It might be all right.  I had my sewing machine, some cut out material and about 15 books in the car.  Surely they would let me nip to the car if I needed more.  It should be ok.

We drove off the boat early and were put into convoys by the SES.  Following our leader, my convoy snaked around deserted streets then through large gates into a huge fenced paddock.  Of course thoughts of pits or being handed a shovel crept into my mind.  We were told to congregate at 1.5m around a police officer who told us to get what we needed from our cars - we were going to Launceston by bus.  So much for sewing machine, etc.  I took what I thought were the necessities, deciding to leave the box of Lindt chocolates for my return and taking 3 more books instead.  Naturally I was a bit miffed, but it was a beautiful drive to Launceston.  You can see so much more from a bus.

I was first off the bus and was directed into a large courtyard where a masked security man handed me a key and pointed to my room.  I nearly gasped in gratitude - it was on the ground floor of the courtyard, had a window-box and the promise of an opening window.  I was similarly pleased once inside.
It was spacious and the morning sun streamed in once I tied back the net curtains.  I phoned Steve to report.  He asked whether there was a bath.  I hadn't got that far, so had a look.  There was a spa!!!!

I slipped into casual reading attire.  My journal notes:  10am Well, it's a little bit like being in Paris - courtyard with red geraniums in a window box - opening windows, thank goodness.  The sun is shining in in the morning.  10.45am - deliver breakfast. 12.09 and the sun has gone.  Reading 'The Dangers of Truffle Hunting' - perfect for day and mood [truffle butter and smoked honey on scones].  Having a lovely time re-arranging room and replying to txts.  Heard church bells @  2.45pm.  Read a chapter, do an exercise.  A day of phone calls and txts - unfortunately phone still playing up.  SBS Movie channel! - watched A Fish Called Wanda.

And that's how I spent Easter Sunday.


  1. Getting from the boat to the hotel was rather cloak-and-dagger, what with masked men, policemen herding you, and being driven in convoys. But methinks definitely worth it for dinner party conversation in the future. You seemed to have quite a bit of room and of course the spa was cherry on the cake so to speak. Not sure why you couldn't have grabbed your sewing machine. Mine is very light and compact. Looking forward to more chapters of 'Isolation - My story'. FF

  2. Having no idea what's going on and being ordered around by men in uniform is a little unnerving.
    I didn't have enough hands for the sewing machine and materials. I had 4 bags to carry as it was. The sewing machine is a Husqvarna from 1974. It's bulky and weighs a ton. As it happened, I didn't miss it at all! XXXX
